Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Why do students value grades over learning? Writing on this topic would really get people thinking. It's not exactly an easy topic either, so it would be a challenge.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Obesity- condition of being overweight
Obesity affects about 35% of America.

Accumulate- gather together.
The water accumulated into drops.

Mass- large body of matter with no definite shape
Some people have a large body mass.

Disease- a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant
Diseases are life changing.

Diet- the kinds of food eating habitually
I have a healthy diet.

Prevalence- the condition of being widespread.
There is prevalence of obesity in adults.

Stigma- a mark of disgrace
He suffers from the stigma of a mental disorder.

Prevent- keep something from happening
The best way to prevent obesity is to eat healthy.

Adolescent- process of developing from a child to an adult.
Obesity usually starts when people are adolescent. 

Cardiovascular- relating to the heart and blood vessels.
Obese people can suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Excessive- more than is necessary.
Don't eat excessively!

Mechanism- a system of parts working together in a machine
The machine stopped due to the mechanism's failure.

Sedentary- tending to spent too much time seated
Kids today are sedentary.

Predispose- make someone liable.
Lack of exercise may predispose a person to high blood pressure.

Syndrome- condition characterized by certain symptoms
Some kids are diagnosed with down syndrome.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


     There are pros and cons to being obese, but just because there are pros doesn't mean people should be content with their weight. The cons of obesity definitely overshadow the pros of being obese.

     We will start off with the pros of obesity. There were only two positive facts about being obese that I could find. Surprisingly, obese people live longer than people with average weights as long as they don't get a disease that comes along with obesity, such as diabetes. This is because obese people have extra energy that is stored in their fat that can help when fighting and injury or illness. The second positive thing about being obese is it causes increased bone mass, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

     Now come the cons of being obese. Obesity can cause life changing experiences such as getting diabetes, having a heart attack, or having a stroke. It can also affect people in the long run because the extra weight will cause joint pain and nerve damage. One of the biggest problems about being obese today is it draws attention from others. The attention isn't positive either. Obese people are constantly bullied about their weight and it generally leads to depression or in extreme cases, suicide. Being obese is not a good experience.

    In conclusion, the cons of being obese are much more extreme than the pros. To me, obesity is only something negative and the pros of being obese shouldn't ever even be brought up. The best weapon against obesity is to never allow yourself to become obese.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


The following article is about the various causes of obesity. It's for anyone wondering why people become obese and how it may start. It mentions that food companies, reliance on cars, a lack of resources, ect. are just a few causes of obesity. If you want to read about it in more depth, click the link below. I highly recommend it. It's very interesting.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


In order to validate your opinion, you have to support it.
Big people make little people's opinions feel small.
You have the right to your life.
Interdependance- depending on others.
Our opinions affect other people.


Expository- intended to explain or describe something
The are so many expository signs in the city.

Composition- The way in which something is made up.
Can anyone explain the chemical composition?

Assuage- To make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense
The letter assuaged the fears of most of the members.

Decadence- Moral or cultural decline; esp after a peek of achievement.
The ancient castle was in a state of decadence.

Hackneyed- Lacking significance due to overuse.
"Swag" is a hackneyed word.

Coalition- An alliance for combined action, esp a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or states.
The government formed a coalition.

Transcend- To go beyond the limits of something
This year we will all transcend our abilities.

Meritorious- deserving reward
After the competition I felt meritorious.

Lurid- Unpleasantly harsh or unnatural.
The smell was Lurid.

Petulant- bad tempered
My dad is petulant.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Week 1 was a refresher for me. It reminded me that learning isn't just boring book work with paper and pencil. Last year in English 3 was a good learning experience for me because I was able to learn in a more efficient way and I have my whole learning experience is documented on my old blog. I'm looking forward to another challenging year.


1. Go to a library.
2. Borrow one from a friend
3. Buy one online.
4. Look for an online book.
5. Ask your parents if they have one.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Expository composition is writing where the purpose is to explain, inform, or describe.


Will it ever be possible for a person to access 100% of their brains abilities?