Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Expository- intended to explain or describe something
The are so many expository signs in the city.

Composition- The way in which something is made up.
Can anyone explain the chemical composition?

Assuage- To make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense
The letter assuaged the fears of most of the members.

Decadence- Moral or cultural decline; esp after a peek of achievement.
The ancient castle was in a state of decadence.

Hackneyed- Lacking significance due to overuse.
"Swag" is a hackneyed word.

Coalition- An alliance for combined action, esp a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or states.
The government formed a coalition.

Transcend- To go beyond the limits of something
This year we will all transcend our abilities.

Meritorious- deserving reward
After the competition I felt meritorious.

Lurid- Unpleasantly harsh or unnatural.
The smell was Lurid.

Petulant- bad tempered
My dad is petulant.

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