Monday, August 26, 2013


Obesity- condition of being overweight
Obesity affects about 35% of America.

Accumulate- gather together.
The water accumulated into drops.

Mass- large body of matter with no definite shape
Some people have a large body mass.

Disease- a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant
Diseases are life changing.

Diet- the kinds of food eating habitually
I have a healthy diet.

Prevalence- the condition of being widespread.
There is prevalence of obesity in adults.

Stigma- a mark of disgrace
He suffers from the stigma of a mental disorder.

Prevent- keep something from happening
The best way to prevent obesity is to eat healthy.

Adolescent- process of developing from a child to an adult.
Obesity usually starts when people are adolescent. 

Cardiovascular- relating to the heart and blood vessels.
Obese people can suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Excessive- more than is necessary.
Don't eat excessively!

Mechanism- a system of parts working together in a machine
The machine stopped due to the mechanism's failure.

Sedentary- tending to spent too much time seated
Kids today are sedentary.

Predispose- make someone liable.
Lack of exercise may predispose a person to high blood pressure.

Syndrome- condition characterized by certain symptoms
Some kids are diagnosed with down syndrome.

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