Monday, January 27, 2014


There is a big difference between life during high school and life after high school. To me the significant difference is responsibility. For most people in high school parents do a lot of the work such as paying bills, doing laundry, and making sure food is on the table. After high school all of these things fall into your lap. You have to become responsible and make sure all of those things and more are complete. Don't think you'll magically transform the day after graduation either, because you won't. You will be used to you're routine that you had while going through high school so it will take some time to change it. Another thing that happens after high school is you have to learn how to manage your time. No one will schedule make you a schedule so it's something that you will have to do yourself. Overall I think that life after high school will seem overwhelming at first, but once a routine is constructed I think it will become "normal" again.

Vocab Spring List 4

accolade- an award acknowledging merit
I received an accolade from the president.

acerbity- a sharp bitterness
I showed acerbity when I didn't get my way.

attrition- process of gradually reducing strength of something or someone through sustained attack or pressure.
Conditioning is a form of attrition.

bromide- an unoriginal idea or remark
Bromides don't help solve problems.

chauvinist- a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.
I laugh at chauvinists.

chronic- (Illness) constantly reoccurring
Some people have chronic bronchitis.

expound- present and explain in detail
We are required to expound our final projects.

factionalism- conflict within an organization or nation
I'm getting tired of the factionalism in my group.

immaculate- perfectly neat, clean or tidy
My room is never immaculate.

imprecation- a curse
Don't speak of the imprecation!

ineluctable- inescapable
The truth is ineluctable.

mercurial- unpredictable changes of mood or mind
Your temper is mercurial.

palliate- make less severe without removing the cause
Medication helped the cut palliate.

protocol- official system of rules.
I would, but it's against my protocol.

resplendent- attractive and impressive through being richly colorful.
That car is resplendent.

stigmatize- describe as worthy of disgrace
My pitching was stigmatized.

sub rosa- done in secret.
The CIA operates sub rosa.

vainglory- pride in oneself or one's achievements
Be successful, but don't show vainglory.

vestige- a trace of something disappearing or no longer exists
I found the last vestiges of Twinkies on Ebay.

volition- the power of using one's will.
Using volition, I stepped away from the pizza.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Vocab Spring List #3

apostate- person who abandons a religious or political belief or principle.
My friend is an apostate.

effusive- expressing feelings of gratitude in a heartfelt manner.
I walked in the room and got an effusive welcome.

impasse- a situation in which no progress is possible because of a disagreement.
I hope we don't see another impasse in the NFL.

euphoria- a feeling of intense happiness or excitement.
The euphoria of getting better is what keeps me going.

lugubrious- looking or sounding sad
Lugubrious people bring down the energy level.

bravado- show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
His show of bravado made people like him.

consensus- general agreement
The jury is all in consensus. Guilty!

dichotomy- contrast between two things that are entirely different.
There is dichotomy between baseball and soccer.

constrict- make narrower by encircling pressure
The snake constricted my neck.

gothic- relation to darker elements.
Have you seen the gothic castle?

punctilio- a fine
I received a punctilio for littering.

metamorphosis- transformation from an immature form to an adult form.
Joe's metamorphosis still hasn't taken place.

raconteur- teller of tales
I stopped to listen to the raconteur

sine qua non- a thing that is absolutely necessary
Food is the sine qua non of me living.

quixotic- very unrealistic
The book was quixotic.

vendetta- a feud between families or groups
I have a personal vendetta with friend.

non sequitur- a statement that doesn't follow the previous argument or statement
Nice non seuitur bro.

mystique- mystery surrounding someone or something.
The area has a weird mystique about it.

quagmire- a soft boggy area of the land.
You can't build on the quagmire.

parlous- full of danger and uncertainty
Don't be afraid of the parlous area.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Life After...

I see life after high school as a time of struggle followed by success. After high school I plan on going to college which is where the struggling begins. College for me means I have to start taking care of myself and I become 100% responsible for all my actions. It's going to be a maturing process and along with that I have to keep up my grades, get a job, and continue pursuing my baseball career. I'm going to have to become much better at managing my time and like I said, at first it's going to be a struggle. It's a struggle until a routine is built and then that routine becomes your new lifestyle. From there things start becoming easier. I still don't know what I want to major in which makes things complicated, but ultimately I want to play baseball as my career. I know it's a long shot so I need to have a backup plan, but so far I'm not sure what that backup plan will be. Anyway, after college is over, and if everything has gone as planned, success can begin to take place. Then is the time to start chipping away at debt and hopefully begin my career. From then on, who knows what life will throw my way, but I can only hope that I'm happy doing whatever I choose to.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Visual Storytelling

One technique they used in the movie to make it more effective was add sad music when the people were either reflecting on their past or after they lost a game.

A second technique they used was adding hardcore music during the games. It made the scenes more intense and therefore more effective.

The third technique they used that I thought was effective was when the camera started on Keith's scars from the accident and then panned over to his dirt bike that the accident occurred on.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Spring Vocab #2

Accoutrement- additional items of dress or equipment worn by a person or used for a particular activity.
Accoutrement comes with being a construction worker.

Apogee- The climax
The last scene was the apogee of the film

Apropos- with reference to
I spoke apropos to the book

Bicker- argue about petty and trivial matters
I hate when couples bicker.

Coalesce- come together and form one mass or whole
The liquid coalesced into a puddle.

Contretemps- an unexpected and unfortunate occurrence
Contretemps always occur when I'm on vacation.

Convolution- a coil or twist
I saw the convolution in the tree branches.

Cull- select from a large quantity
The lottery winner is culled.

Disparate- essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison
Our thoughts are disparate.

Dogmatic- expressing personal opinions or beliefs as if they are correct
I hate dogmatic speakers.

Licentious- Lacking moral discipline or ignoring restraint
My dog is licentious.

Noxious- harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant
Boats make me noxious.

Polemic- a strong written or verbal attack on someone
My polemic caused changed attitudes.

Populous- having a large population
China is one of the most populous places on the planet.

Probity- the quality of having strong moral principles
He was a man of early American probity.

Repartee- conversation or speech characterized by quick witty comments or replies
Talk show hosts are experts at repartee.

Supervene- occur later then implied
The party supervened.

Truncate- shorten by cutting off the top or end
I truncated the wood so it would fit.

Unimpeachable- not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized..
People consider me to be an unimpeachable genius.

Profile in Courage

When you look deeper into the movie we watched today you realize that there is much more to it. You see that it is more about courage and overcoming adversity. Not everyone who gets in a serious accident can stay positive, but the people in the movie did. They were able to accept their new life and it took courage. It took courage to put themselves back in public and to not just sit around and basically rot in their houses. It's refreshing to see people who are less fortunate than most of us, living a good life.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Choice

New Years day I got in trouble and was being told to go rake leaves in my backyard. I committed to being stubborn and refused to do the job. Part of the reason I refused to do it was because I woke up to my mom yelling at me and that put me in a bad mood. Had she been telling me to do the job in a calmer fashion, I would of put up less of a fight. In the end I eventually did the job. It was the wrong choice to argue, but my emotions got the best of me. Needless to say, 2014 started off rough.

Vocab #1 Performance Review

It's simple, I studied the vocabulary and I got 100% on the test. Put in time to get what you want.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Vocab: Spring List 1

Adumbrate: Report or represent in outline
I adumbrated the necessity of a positive attitude

Apotheosis- climax
His last touchdown was the apotheosis of his life.

Ascetic- the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence.
Monks tend to be ascetic.

Bauble- small trinket or decoration
I found a bauble in the junkyard.

Beguile- trick
The magician beguiled me.

Burgeon- begin to grow or increase rapidly
My luck began to burgeon.

Complement- a thing that completes or brings to perfection.
My hat complemented my outfit.

Contumacious- stubbornly or willingly disobedient to authority.
I'm getting tired of my contumacious brother.

Curmudgeon- bad tempered person.
I'd hate to become a curmudgeon.

Didactic- intended to teach.
My teachers speech was didactic.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hacking My Education

I would like to hack the course in a way that helps me connect with classmates better. I think we should do more activities that involve the entire class as opposed to small groups or individually. I think it will help to improve interaction skills for me as well as others.

The Choice

1. The choice is whether the parents give their daughter the "poison" or she does it herself.
2. It is a real choice and it belongs to the daughter. If she doesn't willingly poison herself, her parents are forced to do it.
3. The author used the word poison in the first line to bring to notice the fact that the medicine is not good for the daughter.
4. The author's daughter doesn't think she will live to be eight years old so she feels it's necessary to play with it now. Even though it is harsh, I believe the daughter had a good point.
5. If I knew I wouldn't live to be 30, there would be no more procrastinating and I would do the things I wanted to do.
6. It's necessary to endure or inflict discomfort on someone if it's to fix or improve a part of them.
7. Suffering is a condition of life and love because you have to suffer through the tough things to get to the good things.
8. Emotionally we are responsive to his words because mentally we picture how tough it is and in a way think about ourselves having to go through that situation.