Thursday, January 9, 2014

Vocab: Spring List 1

Adumbrate: Report or represent in outline
I adumbrated the necessity of a positive attitude

Apotheosis- climax
His last touchdown was the apotheosis of his life.

Ascetic- the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence.
Monks tend to be ascetic.

Bauble- small trinket or decoration
I found a bauble in the junkyard.

Beguile- trick
The magician beguiled me.

Burgeon- begin to grow or increase rapidly
My luck began to burgeon.

Complement- a thing that completes or brings to perfection.
My hat complemented my outfit.

Contumacious- stubbornly or willingly disobedient to authority.
I'm getting tired of my contumacious brother.

Curmudgeon- bad tempered person.
I'd hate to become a curmudgeon.

Didactic- intended to teach.
My teachers speech was didactic.

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