Thursday, January 23, 2014

Vocab Spring List #3

apostate- person who abandons a religious or political belief or principle.
My friend is an apostate.

effusive- expressing feelings of gratitude in a heartfelt manner.
I walked in the room and got an effusive welcome.

impasse- a situation in which no progress is possible because of a disagreement.
I hope we don't see another impasse in the NFL.

euphoria- a feeling of intense happiness or excitement.
The euphoria of getting better is what keeps me going.

lugubrious- looking or sounding sad
Lugubrious people bring down the energy level.

bravado- show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
His show of bravado made people like him.

consensus- general agreement
The jury is all in consensus. Guilty!

dichotomy- contrast between two things that are entirely different.
There is dichotomy between baseball and soccer.

constrict- make narrower by encircling pressure
The snake constricted my neck.

gothic- relation to darker elements.
Have you seen the gothic castle?

punctilio- a fine
I received a punctilio for littering.

metamorphosis- transformation from an immature form to an adult form.
Joe's metamorphosis still hasn't taken place.

raconteur- teller of tales
I stopped to listen to the raconteur

sine qua non- a thing that is absolutely necessary
Food is the sine qua non of me living.

quixotic- very unrealistic
The book was quixotic.

vendetta- a feud between families or groups
I have a personal vendetta with friend.

non sequitur- a statement that doesn't follow the previous argument or statement
Nice non seuitur bro.

mystique- mystery surrounding someone or something.
The area has a weird mystique about it.

quagmire- a soft boggy area of the land.
You can't build on the quagmire.

parlous- full of danger and uncertainty
Don't be afraid of the parlous area.

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