Monday, September 23, 2013


adroit- skillful in the use of hands or mind.
Wide receivers need to be adroit in order to catch passes.

amicable- friendly
I knew what John was saying was amicable, but it was just causing problems.

averse- having a strong dislike to something
Dodger fans are averse to playing the Cardinals in the playoffs.

belligerent- hostile or aggressive
Some people become belligerent when they're drunk.

benevolent- well meaning and kindly
I have a benevolent smile.

cursory- not thorough or detailed
The inspector took a cursory look at the scene.

duplicity- deceitfulness
I hated the moment when I realized the duplicity.

extol- praise enthusiastically
I was extolled when I struck out the last player.

feasible- possible to do easily, conveniently
My decision was not feasible.

grimace- twisted expression showing pain, disgust or wry amusement.
Joe grimaced when I punched him in the face.

holocaust- destruction on a mass scale, caused by fire or nuclear war.
I fear a nuclear holocaust

impervious- impenetrable
The wall seemed impenetrable.

impetus- the force or energy with which a body moves
My impetus caused me to bump into a crowd of people.

jeopardy- danger of harm, loss, or failure.
The Eagles season will be in jeopardy if they lose next week.

meticulous- showing great attention to detail.
My mom is meticulous when checking if my room is clean.

nostalgia- a sentimental longing for the past.
Some people become overcome with nostalgia when they go to the cemetery.

quintessence- the perfect example.
Alex is the quintessence of lop.

retrogress- to go back to a earlier state, usually a worse one.
The sick patient retrogressed and is now very sick.

scrutinize- examine or inspect closely
Doctors often scrutinize their patients to make sure nothing is wrong.

tepid- lukewarm
My tepid soda had lost all it's carbonation.

Accede- agree to a demand, request, or treaty.
The officers did not accede to the strikers.

Brandish- wave something as a threat or in anger or excitement.
The robber brandished his weapon to the clerk.

Comprise- consist of
The St. Louis Rams comprise great players.

Deft- neatly skillful and quick in ones movements.
Ninjas are deft.

Destitute- not having the basic necessities of life
Children in Africa are destitute.

Explicit- stated clearly and in detail.
The answer was explicit.

Extirpate- root out and destroy completely
The priest had to extirpate the ghost.

Inopportune- occurring at a bad time.
My phone went off in an inopportune time.

Ironic- characterized by irony
The movie's ending was ironic.

Musty- having a stale, moldy, or damp smell

Your bedroom is musty.

Officious- assertive authority in an annoying way.
My coach is officious.

Ominous- giving the impression that something bad is going to happen.
The setting was ominous.

Pinnacle- A high pointed piece of rock.
Being on a pinnacle is an amazing sight.

Premeditated- plan beforehand
The decision to run was premeditated.

Rampant- spreading unchecked
The lice in Alex's hair was rampant.

Solace- comfort in a time of distress
Some people find solace in religion.

Stately- majestic in manner and appearance
I looked at the stately lions.

Supple- flexible
Joe's mom is supple. She used to be a gymnast.

Suppress- forcibly put an end to
The teacher suppressed the fight.

Venal- open to bribery

The policemen were venal.

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