Thursday, February 13, 2014

Spring Vocabulary #6

Colleague- a person with whom one works
John is going to be my colleague for this project.

Proverbial- referring to something well known
He stuck out like a proverbial sore thumb.

Methodically- arranged or proceeding in regular, systematic order
Jim methodically goes to the gym and then goes swimming.

Goading- provoke or annoy someone to cause a reaction
I always goad my brother.

Paralysis- the loss of the ability to move and sometimes feel anything in part or most of the body
Paralysis can be the caused by illness.

Tentative- not certain or fixed
Take a look at the tentative lineup.

Desperate- feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
I'm desperate for money.

Lousy- very bad or poor.
We had to use lousy equipment.

Nourish- provide with food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.
My parents do everything they can to nourish me.

Adequate- acceptable in quantity or quality.
I pitched adequately last weekend.

Optimal- best or most favorable
What is the optimal decision?

Void- no valid
The contract was void.

Diuretic- causing increased passing of urine
Drinking a lot of water causes people to become diuretic.

Maximize- make as large or as great as possible
I'm trying to maximize my potential.

Lethargic- feeling sluggish
After eating a big meal I felt lethargic

Stimulus- causing something to happen
The electricity acts as a stimulus to light bulbs.

Ballistic- relating to the flight of a projectile.
The birds flight was ballistic.

Regimen- a medical or dietary way of life.
I need to change my eating regimen.

Hinder- create problems for someone resulting in delay or obstruction
The injury hindered the mans abilities.

Mimic- imitate typically in order to entertain or annoy
It's annoying when people mimic me.

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