Sunday, February 23, 2014

Spring Vocabulary #7

composure- the state or feeling o being calm and in control of oneself
Bob kept his composure when things got crazy.

index- an indicator, sign, or measure of something
A team's record may serve as an index of a coach's effectiveness.

recuperate- recover from illness or exertion.
It took a while to recuperate after running 10 sprints.

brisk- active, fast, and energetic.
I briskly jogged to the store.

contrary- opposite in direction, nature, or meaning
Contrary to popular belief, I am a hard worker.

urgency- importance requiring swift action.
As the season goes on, the urgency to win increases.

determination- firmness of purpose
My determination to be successful keeps me positive.

endorse- declare support of something
I would endorse the company who made my glove.

paramount- more important than anything else
Don't walk around as if you are paramount.

comprehensive- of or relating to understanding
You have to be comprehensive in the classroom as well as on the field.

refine- remove impurities or unwanted elements from
Refine your skills to become the best player possible.

poised- having a composed and self-assured manner
It's important to stay poised in hectic situations.

implement- put into effect
Have the new rules been implemented?

tendency- an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type of behavior
Some pitchers have a tendency to throw a curveball with two strikes.

deceptive- misleading
It's good for pitchers to be deceptive.

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