Tuesday, October 1, 2013


a) Hamlet is wondering whether it would be easier to die or live and go through the troubles of this difficult situation. He is saying if death is just like sleep, then people wouldn't have to suffer through life's problems if they are dead. He then says that it could also be possible to dream, and dreaming is usually a good experience. Hamlet wonders why people live under life's pressure when death is so convenient. He ends the it saying that the unknown afterlife is what keeps people from killing themselves.

b) To act on what you know to be true in order to hold yourself in higher esteem speaks to me. What ever you have to say might not want to be what others want to hear, but it is true to you and that's all that matters.

c) The path I would take would be the more difficult one. Why choose death when you can suffer through life's challenges and eventually become successful? It's a better choice because there is that risk of the unknown when it comes to death.

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